Typescript Support

Type Casting

When using TypeScript, It's greatly beneficial to utilize the correct types of your data. This can be done by casting a custom type as demonstrated below.

const query = gql`  query getShips($limit: Int!) {    ships(limit: $limit) {      id      name    }  }`const variables = { limit: 5 }type ShipsResult = {  ships: {    id?: string;    name: string;  }[]}useQuery<ShipsResult>(query, variables)useAsyncQuery<ShipsResult>(query, variables)

GraphQL documents

When importing .gql or .graphql files in TypeScript, A common error you may encounter is "Cannot find module '*.gql' or its corresponding type declarations". This can be resolved by creating a type declaration file as seen below.

declare module '*.gql' {  import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql'  const Schema: DocumentNode  export = Schema}declare module '*.graphql' {  import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql'  const Schema: DocumentNode  export = Schema}